Written, Docketed, & Published by Lady Donna Dutchess on March 26th, 2023

By the Grace of God, who is all-knowing, powerful, and merciful, as a daughter of the Most High God, I have been commanded by my Father in Heaven, whose name is Holy, to serve by sharing my testimony and discovery with those who have an ear to hear and eyes to see.  

My part in this is to write & share my testimony out of obedience. People eventually “reap what they sow” in life.  However, Ezekiel 3:18 teaches that first, a warning or “heads up” must be given, to provide an opportunity for repentance.  Once the warning or heads-up is given, and individuals persist in rebelling against the Most High God, then the reaping can commence.  

My discovery is the strategic military moves by NON-NATO governments against the State of Alaska, the United States of America, and NATO.  My testimony is simply a “heads up” to take refuge with the Most High God.  

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Trials are allowed by the Lord in order to purify faith.  This is no different from the Biblical story of Joseph, who did not do anything wrong yet was betrayed by his family of brothers, sold into slavery, and then falsely accused.  Joseph fulfilled the plan of the Most High God during a time when a catastrophic climate change, (AKA: famine/drought), ravaged the land. Land that the people needed to survive.

Consider Job who was a “perfect servant” of the Most High God, and yet, the Lord allowed Job to be attacked and tested even though Job also did not do anything wrong to deserve the attack.  Job was tested not just once with the loss of his family but also a second time with a physical affliction.

My spiritual trial is a mixture of the Biblical Story of Job and Elijah.  

Thread 1: Permeating Light Project Investigates

Like Job, I am also a servant of the Most High God.  When the events in January 2019 began, with the removal of my daughters from my care for five months, based on lies and false accusations against both my family friend and myself, that were eventually deemed unsubstantiated; my faith in the secular “best interest” system shattered.  That shattering of my faith in the system is exactly what the Lord intended to refine my faith.  This trial was to correct where I had partially placed my faith in error.  Not divided faith, partly believing in the system, and partly believing in the Most High God.  The Lord chastises those whom He loves, and I received correction so that my faith is fully & properly placed where it belongs: Only in the Most High God.  

During the five months when my children were removed from my care by the system, due to deceitful means, I turned to the Most High God in prayer.  The Lord appeared to me at 4 AM, while I was praying a mother’s prayer, asking for help, and asking why this was happening to me, knowing my family friend and I are innocent of the false accusations involving my children.  

The Lord asked me three questions:

“Will you stand for your children?”    

I responded to the Lord, “Yes.”

“Will you stand for your children and other children?”   

I responded to the Lord, “Yes.” 

“Will you stand for your children and other children?”   

Again, I responded to the Lord, “Yes, I will stand for other children, but I do not even know what to do for my own children!”

The Lord commanded me to “Investigate”, and the Permeating Light Project (PLP) manifested.

Through PLP, I began to investigate, and I started with the State of Alaska (SOA) Office of Children Services (OCS).   This is when I found out that OCS was not always called OCS as it used to be called the Division of Youth and Family Services.  I found out that Alaska Representative Tammie Wilson spearheaded the 2016 Grand Jury Investigation against the SOA OCS agency, due to their intentionally neglectful abuse of Alaskan families & children.   Since OCS simply expanded its abuse of Alaskan families after 2016, this proves that Grand Jury Investigations are a complete waste of time when the defendant is anyone on the SOA payroll.  I followed the data trail and investigated the Office of the Ombudsman, the Alaska Judicial Branch (Judges & Justices), the Department of Law, the Office of Public Advocate/GAL, the Commissioner’s office, the Office of the Governor, the Alaska Bar Association, AK Cares, et cetera.  

It was during these investigations that I stumbled upon evidence that organized crime was operating behind the scenes, methodically & systematically, within the SOA branch, offices, departments, agencies, et cetera.  I followed the data, investigating deeper, and discovered within the organized crime manipulating the SOA, several NON-NATO foreign governments implementing the “Art of War – Borrowed Sword to Strike a Blind Weakness” strategic move, using the SOA’s established sword of negligence & corruption.  

I took this information in prayer to the Most High God and asked what to do.  The PLP investigation on the SOA was immediately paused.   I also contacted the United States Department of Justice.  Once I had discovered the NON-NATO foreign government’s strategic tactics, I realized that there was not one SOA elected official, SOA employee, or anyone in a position of authority, that could stop or mitigate the strategic moves in motion against our State and our people.

Thread 2:  United States Supreme Court Regarding Faith in Vaccines

Again, like Job, sometimes one attack is not enough.  Sometimes, the Most High God allows two attacks to further refine a servant’s faith.  This second attack was upon my religious freedom regarding refraining from administering vaccines to my children under a religious exemption.  My children had been under a religious exemption for five years. 

The Alaskan attorneys I spoke to informed me that all attorneys and judges firmly have faith and belief in vaccines and that my vaccine position was a lost cause.  In prayer, I took my vaccine religious exemption position to the Most High God.  I was persuaded by the Lord to proceed with collecting information as it pertains to religious exemptions for vaccines in the United States.  

The Superior Court of Anchorage made a final judgment providing evidence of its absolute faith and belief in man-made vaccines.  I appealed to the Alaska Supreme Court which also provided me with additional evidence of their gleeful faith and belief in man-made vaccines.  I then petitioned the United States Supreme Court, the highest Court in this nation, to clarify their position on vaccines and religious freedoms.  However, with my Petition for Writ of Cert, the Most High God commanded me to bring prophecy to the U.S. Supreme Court.  I was not commanded to bring a warning to repent as Jonah did to Nineveh.

For the United States Supreme Court, I was commanded to bring this prophecy.  

“The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.” Revelation 18:23

The Most High God also commanded me to include in the Petition for a Writ of Cert the definition of Sorcery, as defined in the Strongs Exhausted Concordance.  

Sorcery is defined as:

(5331 & 5332) as “φαρμακεία pharmakeia: medication (“pharmacy”), magic– sorcery, witchcraft.  Primarily Pharmakeia signified the use of medicine, drugs, spells; then, poisoning; then witchcraft.  φαρμακεύς pharmakeus from pharmakon (a drug, spell-giving potion); a druggist ("pharmacist") or poisoner, a magician:--sorcerer,

On October 31st, 2022, the day known nationally as Halloween, Samhain, the Day of Evil, the Day of Sorcery, the Day of the Dead, and the Day of Witchcraft; the United States Supreme Court DENIED my Petition for Writ.  In prayer, I brought the letter I received from the U.S. Supreme Court with “DENIED” on it to the Heavenly Court of the Most High God, just as Hezekiah did in 2 Kings 19:14 & Isaiah 37:14. 

This letter from the U.S. Supreme Court was the final evidence required to prove that those in the positions of authority and leadership, within the United States of America, have denied scripture and rejected the precepts of the Most High God, confirming that the USA has become a nation of sorcery and rebellion.  

In denying scripture, the U. S. Supreme Court fulfilled the above-mentioned prophecy in Revelation, as well as revealing a form of Godliness yet denying the Power of God, as also prophesied in 2 Timothy 3.

It is clear that Judges only answer to a higher justice and courts only answer to a higher court.  In obedience to the Most High God, in prayer, I brought all written documentation that I received from the various courts, again just as Hezekiah did, and I petitioned the Divine Court of the Most High God, who still sits on the Throne, for Final Judgement upon the United States of America’s leadership and courts, in order to bring Justice to the People and to the sons and daughters of the Most High God.  

Thread 3:  Candidate for U. S. House of Representatives

In March 2022, directly after the Alaska Supreme Court affirmed and provided evidence of their absolute faith and belief in man-made vaccines, Alaska’s Congressman Don Young suddenly passed away.

A few days after Congressman Young passed away and while I was in prayer, the Lord appeared to me and commanded that I run as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Alaska.  As I have zero interest in politics, I put forth the “Gideon prayer”, asking for three confirmations with the “fleece” out. I received three sets of confirmation, and it was made clear to me I am to run as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Alaska.  

Running as a candidate for the U.S. House allowed me to glean information and data sets about what is going on in our State, our Nation, and Internationally.  I only ran as a candidate for the U.S. House out of obedience to the command given to me by the Most High God.  I am first and foremost, a daughter of the Most High God.  I am also an introvert.  I do not seek the crowd as I prefer my small circle of close friends.  I do not fundraise as I prefer to have faith in Jehovah Jireh, my provider.  I only help people via word of mouth.  I do not market myself.   My rule in running for the U.S. House was that I am not going to talk about it unless someone brought it up first.  Most people do not know my full name as I only introduce myself as “Donna”.  I told my prayer group I was running as commanded by the Lord.  I did not even tell my mother, who called me when she received her ballot in the mail and asked me, “why is your name on my ballot?”  I do not take photos unless I cannot get out of the photo gracefully.  The last thing I want to see is my picture plastered across the State in a political campaign.  

However, the Most High God commanded me to file a lawsuit against the SOA regarding being removed from the Official Election Pamphlet.  A lawsuit that brings further evidence of the oppression of the people’s voice. (3AN-22-08373CI).  As I investigated the process of running for the U.S. House, I discovered that unless an individual is connected to wealth or a powerful political party, the average citizen has no chance of helping our state or nation in the political arena.  Truly, an individual can be negligent & as intelligent as a box of rocks, but as long as they are connected to wealth and a powerful political party, they can sit in an elected position and destroy this state and nation, which plays straight into the strategic hands of NON-NATO countries.  This brings me to my next God-inspired reveal.   

As I investigated the political process of running for the U.S. House, I uncovered more evidence of the very same organized crime and NON-NATO foreign government strategic tactics that I discovered in Thread #1 with the PLP.  Instead of the strategic tactics used only within the State of Alaska, with the NON-NATO governments interested in Alaska’s vast untapped natural resources; I also discovered the “Art of War” strategic moves expanded nationally and internationally, targeting specifically America and NATO countries.  I brought everything I discovered before the Most High God in prayer.  I was commanded to proceed and investigate further.  So, I did.

When I investigate, I gather information into what I call “data sets”.  I look for information from reliable sources that “check boxes” for confirmation.  As a candidate for the U.S. House, information came my way that may not have otherwise caught my attention.  The deeper I investigated, I discovered another element that connects to Thread # 2, the blind and absolute faith the Courts, the States, and the Government have toward vaccines.  NON-NATO countries have identified the United States’ “Achilles” heel, which explains why NON-NATO countries are extremely focused on acquiring American medical files, including American military medical files.

Strategic Tactics Discovered:

1)  COVID-19 released from a NON-NATO bio-lab which impacts the global economy & the health industry (physical/psychological).

2) NATO countries received the COVID-19 vaccine version of the NON-NATO government’s "Assassins Mace", as described by "The Hundred-Year Marathon", published by Michael Pillsbury in 2015.  Mr. Pillsbury’s book was vetted through several federal agencies prior to publishing the data, to ensure his book did not have classified national security information.  However, Mr. Pillsbury provided enough data to clear his conscious on the role he had in helping the NON-NATO government.  The data in Mr. Pillsbury’s book has been available for over 5 years and blatantly ignored by American leaders, elected officials, and their handlers.  

Also, it was reported in another venue that NON-NATO countries received a different COVID vaccine/antidote. Once the “Assassins Mace” was administered, the NON-NATO countries received what Michael Pillsbury described as the "Heavens Mandate" against the “Great Satan", which NON-NATO governments call the United States of America.  

3) A NON-NATO country goes into Ukraine and is occupying the US’s attention with this well-positioned military strategic diversion.  

4) America and NATO are hit with "Death by 1000 cuts" strategic moves to critical failing infrastructure.  

5) BRICS currency backed by precious metals mobilizes further against the fiat US Dollar backed by nothing. The banks are unstable, U.S. bonds are losing value, and an unpredictable “black swan” is in the economic forecast as I write this.

6) NON-NATO governments start revealing their hypersonic advanced military AI drone tech, as well as their nano-tech robots that can change from liquid to solid form, and vice versa, activated remotely in a timely manner (similar to what was reported on CNN).  

7) NON-NATO governments have been actively increasing their military personnel while America has been aborting, psychologically confusing, and surgically altering ours.  Their military men outnumber American military-aged individuals, ages 19 – 45; 3 to 1. Factoring in their “Assassins Mace”, their military personnel will outnumber America’s military 10 to 1.

8) According to the “Art of War”, all war is deception, and the public narrative is controlled strategically by well-placed handlers to ensure the NON-NATO agenda is not interfered with.

To assist in keeping the sons and daughters of the Most High God safe, I shared with the United States Department of Justice and our Congressional delegation this information as well.  

I was not surprised to witness the NON-NATO government leaders, “toasting champaign glasses” on the front page of International News, celebrating their well-laid-out strategic plans against the United States of America and NATO.  The NON-NATO governments are literally able to strategically get American leadership & their handlers, to sabotage their own American nation, using established corruption & greed within the U.S. government, which is again, a “Borrowed Sword to Strike a Blind Weakness” maneuver.  NATO has been set up and America is still trying to figure what is going on using an obsolete military playbook.  It is no wonder NON-NATO governments are toasting and drinking champagne, celebrating.    

The Most High God’s Judgment & Justice

I took everything I discovered and brought it before the Lord in prayer.  Based on my faith walk with the Most High God, through Thread #1 - PLP Investigation of the State of Alaska; Thread #2 - U.S. Supreme Court Vaccine Faith Revealing, and Thread #3 - Candidate for U. S. House; it was revealed clearly that the tactics against NATO, and specifically against the United States, are so strategically placed that to counter or mitigate would cause the U.S. to walk into well-placed traps.

On top of this, the United States of America’s courts, leadership, and their handlers have rejected the Most High God, having only a form of Godliness and denying the Power of God.  Their rejection is exposed by their agenda to remove the Most High God’s precepts, line by line, from this nation.  As a result, the Most High God revealed to me, His humble servant, that He has set His hand against the United States of America.  

When anyone reads the Scriptures, anytime a nation exalts itself above the Name of the Most High God and blatantly scoffs, mocks, and disobeys the Lord’s commands, that nation experiences “climate change”, which impacts vital industries of that nation.  The Most High God casts down to earth with His mighty hand: droughts, famine, flooding, a destroying tempest, great winds, furious storms, hail, earthquakes, disease, animals dying in mass, plagues, signs in space/heavens, and more. Isaiah 28:2. The world may call this “climate change”, but for those who call upon the Name of the Most High God, we know that it is the wrath and judgment of the Lord.  

A Voice with a Message

I only bring a message from the Most High God to those who have an ear to hear and eyes to see. I am no one’s Pastor, however, I recommend you and your Pastor/Spiritual Leader check in with the Most High God.  Get your spiritual house in order. Prepare!  Repent!  Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for Discernment.  Regardless of what the nation’s leaders are doing or not doing, take care to ensure you have what you need for your families in the event of catastrophic occurrences. Even roses have thorns, therefore, ensure that you have what you need to protect yourself as well. For those who call upon the Name of the Most High God, may you walk humbly with the Lord. 

I understand that not everyone believes as I believe.  Not everyone in America believes in the Most High God.  Therefore, let all Americans experience an “Elijah” moment where the Power of the Most High God comes down from heaven and is Revealed.  The Lord of Hosts has ordered the Time of Revealing, with everyone revealing who and what they truly believe.   I am a daughter of the Most High God, attesting as a reliable witness, with evidence, to what is going on in our nation, as written in Isaiah 8:2.  

This is not the first time individuals sitting in positions of worldly power and authority have come up against the Most High God.  Remember Sodom & Gomorrah during the time of Abraham and Lot; Babylon during the time of Daniel; Ahab and Jezebel during the time of Elijah.  When the current American society & industries exclude you because you do not behave as they behave: cowardly, faithless, detestable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars; behavior that is being groomed upon American children and citizens; the Most High God declares that His people, “Come Out From Among Them!”  Take refuge in the Holy One of Heaven.  The only way to survive what is coming upon this nation is to call upon the Name of the Most High God and take refuge with Him.  

“Come out from among them, My people! Save your lives, each of you, from the fierce anger of the LORD.  Jeremiah 51:45

“And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out from among them, my people, lest you share in their sins, and lest you receive of their plagues.” Revelation 18:4

“Do not seal up the words of prophecy in this book, because the time is near. Let the unjust continue to be unjust, and the vile continue to be vile; let the righteous continue to practice righteousness, and the holy continue to be holy.”  Revelation 22: 10-11

All credit, honor, praise, blessings, and glory go to my Heavenly Father, whose name is Holy, Holy, Holy, for all that He has brought me through and has prepared me for, by purifying my Faith.  There is no God like my God.  

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10

Praise the Lord in Name: For God is With Us! 

This is my testimony.

Lady Donna